Source code for pycalculator.expression_tree

"""This module implements various classes allowing to build an expression tree from an infix

.. testsetup::

    from pycalculator.expression_tree import *

import operator
import math
import re

from tools import *

[docs]class Operator(): """This class defines an operator and its characteristics (category, associativity, precedence). Attributes ---------- symbol: `str` String representing the operator (ex: ``'+'``, ``'-'``, ``'max'``, ...). function: `function` Defines the action of the operator on its arguments. category: `{'unary', 'binary', function', None}` Defines the operator category. associativity: `{'left', 'right', None}` Defines the operator associativity. precedence: `int` or `None` Defines the operator precedence (low value for low precedence and high value for high precedence). See Also -------- `Wikipedia 'Operator associativity' article <>`_ `Wikipedia 'Order of operations' article <>`_ """
[docs] def __init__(self, symbol, function, category=None, associativity=None, precedence=None): """Create an Operator object. Parameters ---------- symbol: `str` String representing the operator (ex: ``'+'``, ``'-'``, ``'max'``, ...). function: `function` Defines the action of the operator on its arguments. category: `{'unary', 'binary', function', None}`, optional Defines the operator category, default = `None`. associativity: `{'left', 'right', None}`, optional Defines the operator associativity, default = `None`. precedence: `int` or `None`, optional Defines the operator precedence (low value for low precedence and high value for high precedence), default \ = `None`. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> # define '+', '*' and 'max' operators >>> Operator('+', operator.add, 'binary', 'right', 2) <Operator '+': function=<built-in function add>, category='binary', associativity='right', precedence=2> >>> Operator('*', operator.mul, 'binary', 'right', 3) <Operator '*': function=<built-in function mul>, category='binary', associativity='right', precedence=3> >>> Operator('max', max, 'function', precedence=5) <Operator 'max': function=<built-in function max>, category='function', associativity=None, precedence=5> >>> # define 'my_op' operator >>> def my_operator(a, b, c=2, string='waffle'): ... return (a + b + c) / len(string) ... >>> Operator('my_op', my_operator, 'function', precedence=5) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <Operator 'my_op': function=<function my_operator at 0x...>, category='function', associativity=None, \ precedence=5> """ self.symbol = symbol self.function = function self.category = category self.associativity = associativity self.precedence = precedence
def __repr__(self): """Return a complete description of the operator and its characteristics.""" return (f'<Operator \'{self.symbol}\': ' f'function={self.function!r}, ' f'category={self.category!r}, ' f'associativity={self.associativity!r}, ' f'precedence={self.precedence}>') def __str__(self): """Return a string representing the operator.""" return self.symbol
[docs] def apply(self, *args, **kwargs): """Apply the operator function to given arguments. Parameters ---------- *args Arguments to give to the operator function. **kwargs Keyworded arguments to give to the operator function. Returns ------- return type of ``self.function()`` Result of the application of the operator function on the given arguments. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> Operator('-', lambda x: -x).apply(4) # unary operator -4 >>> Operator('+', operator.add).apply(2, 3) # binary operator 5 >>> Operator('max', max).apply(2, 3, -8.6, 18) # function operator 18 >>> def my_operator(a, b, c=2, string='waffle'): ... return (a + b + c) / len(string) >>> Operator('my_op', my_operator).apply(1, 2, c=3, string='hello') 1.2 """ return self.function(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ExpressionTreeNode(): """This class defines an expression tree node. A node is defined by a value and some children, a node value can be: - An operator (``Operator`` object), that has a various number of children (the operator function arguments). - A value which is an ``int``, a ``str``, or any other type accepted by the parent node operator function. If a node holds a value then it is a leaf, it has no children. Attributes ---------- value: any: ``Operator`` or argument value for parent ``Operator`` node function or `None` Node value, if the node has children ``value`` has to be an ``Operator`` object. children: list of ExpressionTreeNode Node children, can be empty. """
[docs] def __init__(self, value=None, children=[]): """Create an ExpressionTreeNode object. Parameters ---------- value: any (``Operator`` or argument value for parent ``Operator`` node function) Node value, if the node has children ``value`` has to be an ``Operator`` object, default = `None`. children: list of ExpressionTreeNode Node children, default = `[]`. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> # define the operation '2 + 3' >>> ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('+', operator.add), ... children=[ExpressionTreeNode(2), ExpressionTreeNode(3)]) + └── 2 └── 3 >>> # define the operation '1 - 5 * 4' >>> ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('-', operator.sub), ... children=[ExpressionTreeNode(1), ... ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('*', operator.mul), ... children=[ExpressionTreeNode(5), ... ExpressionTreeNode(4)])]) - └── 1 └── * └── 5 └── 4 """ self.value = value self.children = children
def __repr__(self, depth=0): """Return a string representing the node and its child as a tree.""" if self.is_leaf(): string_tree = repr(self.value) else: string_tree = str(self.value) indentation = ' ' * depth for child in self.children: string_tree += f'\n{indentation}└── {child.__repr__(depth + 1)}' return string_tree def __str__(self): """Return a string representing the node and its child as a tree.""" return repr(self)
[docs] def get_infix(self): """Return a string representing the node and its child as a parenthesized infix expression. Returns ------- `str` Parenthesized infix expression representing the tree. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('+', operator.add, category='binary'), ... children=[ExpressionTreeNode(2), ExpressionTreeNode(3)]).get_infix() '(2 + 3)' >>> ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('-', operator.sub, category='unary'), ... children=[ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('len', len, category='function'), ... children=[ExpressionTreeNode('Hello')])]).get_infix() "-len('Hello')" """ if self.is_leaf(): return repr(self.value) elif self.value.category == 'unary': return f'{self.value}{self.children[0].get_infix()}' elif self.value.category == 'binary': return f'({self.children[0].get_infix()} {self.value} {self.children[1].get_infix()})' else: children_separated_by_commas = ', '.join(map(lambda x: x.get_infix(), self.children)) return f'{self.value}({children_separated_by_commas})'
[docs] def is_leaf(self): """Return a boolean indicating if the node is a leaf or not. Returns ------- `bool` `True` if the node has no children, `False` otherwise. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> basic_tree = ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('+', operator.add), ... children=[ExpressionTreeNode(2), ExpressionTreeNode(3)]) >>> basic_tree.is_leaf() False >>> basic_tree.children[0].is_leaf() True """ return not any(self.children)
[docs] def evaluate(self): """Evaluate the node by recursively evaluating its children. Returns ------- any Value yielded by the evaluation of the expression tree node. Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('*', operator.mul), ... children=[ExpressionTreeNode(4), ExpressionTreeNode(7)]).evaluate() 28 >>> ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('+', operator.add), ... children=[ExpressionTreeNode('Hello'), ExpressionTreeNode(' world !')]).evaluate() 'Hello world !' >>> complex_tree = ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('!', math.factorial, category='unary'), ... [ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('len', len, category='function'), ... [ExpressionTreeNode(Operator('+', operator.add, category='binary'), ... [ExpressionTreeNode('abc'), ... ExpressionTreeNode('de')])])]) >>> complex_tree ! └── len └── + └── 'abc' └── 'de' >>> print(complex_tree.get_infix()) !len(('abc' + 'de')) >>> complex_tree.evaluate() 120 """ if self.is_leaf(): return self.value else: children_evaluated = [child.evaluate() for child in self.children] return self.value.apply(*children_evaluated)
[docs]class ExpressionTreeBuilder(): """This class allows to build an expression tree from an unparenthesized well-formed infix expression. The algorithm is based on a modified version of the Shunting-yard algorithm from Wikipedia (see See Also section). Warnings -------- This class doesn't support functions and unary operators yet. Class Attributes ---------------- operator: `dict` with {key = operator symbol: value = corresponding ``Operator`` object} This dictionary holds the default operators known by the expression tree builder, contains by default ``+``, \ ``-``, ``*``, ``/`` and ``^``. symbols: `str` String of all the symbols that can occur in the expression. symbols_reg: `str` Regular expression used to split the given infix expression. Attributes ---------- expr: `str` String representing the infix expression. output_queue: queue of ``ExpressionTreeNode`` Output queue of the Shunting-yard algorithm. operator_stack: stack of ``ExpressionTreeNode`` Operator stack of the Shunting-yard algorithm. chuncks: list of `str` List of symbols and values in ``expr`` after splitting. tree: ``ExpressionTreeNode`` or `None` Expression tree corresponding build from an infix expression. See Also -------- `Wikipedia 'Shunting-yard algorithm' article <>`_ """ operators = {'^': Operator('^', operator.pow , 'binary', 'right', 4), '*': Operator('*', operator.mul , 'binary', 'left' , 3), '/': Operator('/', operator.truediv, 'binary', 'left' , 3), '+': Operator('+', operator.add , 'binary', 'left' , 2), '-': Operator('-', operator.sub , 'binary', 'left' , 2)} symbols = ''.join(operators.keys()) + '(),' symbols_reg = '|'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(re.escape(symbols)[::2], re.escape(symbols)[1::2]))
[docs] def __init__(self, expr): """Create an ExpressionTreeBuilder object. Parameters ---------- expr: `str` String representing the infix expression. """ self.expr = expr self.output_queue = [] self.operator_stack = [] self.chuncks = None self.tree = None
def __repr__(self): """Return a complete description of the expression tree builder state.""" res = f'<Expression \'{self.expr}\': \n' # self.output_queue res += (f' - output_queue (n = {len(self.output_queue)}) =\n' f' [\n') for node in self.output_queue: res += f' {node.__repr__(depth=2)},\n' res += f' ]\n' # self.operator_stack res += (f' - operator_stack (n = {len(self.operator_stack)}) =\n' f' [\n') for node in self.operator_stack: res += f' {node.__repr__(depth=2)},\n' res += f' ]\n' # self.tree if self.tree: res += (f' - tree = {self.tree.__repr__(depth=3)}>') else: res += (f' - tree = None>') return res def __str__(self): """Return a complete description of the expression tree builder state.""" return repr(self)
[docs] def _parse_expression(self): """Parse the given expression to split it following `ExpressionTreeBuilder.symbol`. See Also -------- `re.split() documentation <>`_ Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> x = ExpressionTreeBuilder('(1-2)*4^5') >>> x._parse_expression() >>> x.chuncks ['(', '1', '-', '2', ')', '*', '4', '^', '5'] """ self.chuncks = re.split(f'({ExpressionTreeBuilder.symbols_reg})', self.expr) self.chuncks = [x for x in self.chuncks if x != '']
[docs] def _pop_last_operator_to_queue(self): """Pop the last operator on the stack to the output queue.""" last_operator_node = self.operator_stack.pop() last_operator_node.children.append(self.output_queue.pop(0)) self.output_queue.append(last_operator_node)
[docs] def _operator_stack_not_empty(self): """Check if the operator stack is empty. Returns ------- `bool` Return `True` if the operator stack is empty, `False` otherwise. """ return len(self.operator_stack) > 0
[docs] def _last_operator_on_stack(self): """Return the last operator on stack. Returns ------- ``Operator`` Last operator on the stack. """ return self.operator_stack[-1].value
[docs] def build(self, verbose=False): """Build an expression tree from the given infix expression. Parameters ---------- verbose: `bool` If `True` prints the detailed state of the stacks at each stage of the build. """ self._parse_expression() if verbose: print(f'{color("<b>→ Before build:")}\n{self}\n') for i, chunck in enumerate(self.chuncks): # if chunck is an opening parenthesis if chunck == '(': self.operator_stack.append(ExpressionTreeNode('(')) # if chunck is a closing parenthesis elif chunck == ')': while self._operator_stack_not_empty() and self._last_operator_on_stack() != '(': self._pop_last_operator_to_queue() self.operator_stack.pop() # if chunck is an operator symbol elif chunck in self.operators.keys(): current_operator = ExpressionTreeBuilder.operators[chunck] while self._operator_stack_not_empty() and self._last_operator_on_stack() != '(' and\ (\ self._last_operator_on_stack().category == 'function'\ or\ self._last_operator_on_stack().precedence > current_operator.precedence\ or\ (self._last_operator_on_stack().precedence == current_operator.precedence and\ self._last_operator_on_stack().associativity == 'left') ): self._pop_last_operator_to_queue() self.operator_stack.append(ExpressionTreeNode(current_operator, [self.output_queue.pop(0)])) # if chunck is a value else: self.output_queue.append(ExpressionTreeNode(eval(chunck))) if verbose: print(f'{color("<b>→ Current:")} chunck = {chunck}, index = {i}\n{self}\n') # empty the operator stack while self._operator_stack_not_empty(): self._pop_last_operator_to_queue() if verbose: print(f'{color("<b>→ Pop last operator to queue:")}\n{self}\n') # get the final tree self.tree = self.output_queue.pop() if verbose: print(f'{color("<b>→ Final result:")}\n{self}')
[docs] def evaluate(self): """Build the tree if not built and evaluate it. Returns ------- any Returns the type returned by the last operator called. """ if not self.tree: return self.tree.evaluate()
if __name__ == '__main__': pass # t = ExpressionTreeBuilder('1+2^(10-2*3)') # # print("# FINAL") # print(t.tree) # print(repr(t.tree)) # print(t.tree.evaluate()) # x = ExpressionTreeBuilder('(1-2)*4^5') ;